From the recording Live at the Seagull Shop

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Moon on a String

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Moon on a String
(c)2019 Jud Caswell (Alderdown Songs, ASCAP)

I want to bring you the moon on a string like a great big balloon
To fill up your sky like the fourth of July in that hospital room
And I would sit at your feet and watch while you sleep
To the sound of the janitor's broom
Till you opened you eyes to that silver surprise with a smile and a sigh
And said your goodbyes to the moon

The laugh of a brook I would press in a book, turn the page and you'd hear
The song of a swing, the peepers in spring, hold it up to your ear
If I knew how to do it I'd make it for you
Out of all of the things you hold dear
I would wrap up and send you the voice of a friend like a blessed amen
That would bring all your memories near.

If I could crochet you this bright autumn day in a scarf or a shawl
I'd wrap you in crazy red-oranges blazing from maples so tall
And I would set them for you in an October blue
Just as clear as the chickadee's call
Hold it close, let there be one last leaf on the tree of our shared history
Before you take leave of the fall.

I want to bring you the moon on a string.